Juan Daniel Fullaondo – Publications
During his professional career there are many works written about architecture and sculpture, important Spanish contemporary architects and books on poems. Here we will collect those made most significant.
They stand out among those publications as;
- 1968. Chillida. Madrid: Alfaguara
- 1969. The architecture and urbanism of the region and the environment of Bilbao I. Madrid: Alfaguara.
- 1971. Architecture and urbanism of the region and the environment of Bilbao II. Madrid: Alfaguara.
- 1972. Art, architecture and everything else. Madrid: Alfaguara.
- 1976. Oteiza and Chillida in the modern historiography of art. Bilbao: The great Basque encyclopedia.
- 1976. Jorge Oteiza sculptor. Madrid: Alfaguara.
- 1989. Composition of place.
- 1990. Oteiza. Double portrait.
- 1990. Composition of the place. The architecture between art and science. Madrid: Hermann Blume.
- 1991. Art, project and everything else: or an antidote to galliformes and Rams. Madrid: Kain.
- 1991. Twilight Laocoön. Conversations around Eduardo Chillida. Madrid: Kain.
- 1992. Zevi.
- 1993. Tribute to Oscarin and architectures of Bilbao.
- 1994. History of Spanish contemporary architecture. Looking back with some anger (sometimes). Madrid: Kain.
- 1996. Juan Daniel Fullaondo. Built work. Madrid, Munillaleria.