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Juan Daniel Fullaondo Errazu was born in Bilbao the 4 March 1936 and died in Madrid the 26 June 1994, fifty-eight years old.
Architect, teacher, writer and historian of architecture.
Being …
Achucarro Aires Aires Mateus Alejandro de la Sota Antonio Cruz Robledo Arturo Ocampo Bernini Burbano Perez Carme Pigem Charles Gwathmey Charles Robert Ashbee Christopher Alexander Cross Cruz and Ortiz De la Sota Edgar Burbano Perez Emilio Tuñón Enric Miralles Enrique Sobejano Étienne-Louis Boullée Federico Soriano Gae Aulenti Garcia de Paredes Germán Samper Gnecco Gian Lorenzo Bernini Guillermo Vazquez Consuegra Joaquin Torres Joaquin Vaquero Palacios Jorge Arango Jorge Enrique Robledo Josep Lluís Sert Julián Lombana Lina Toro Lombana Lopez/Rivera Mansilla Manuel Gallego Jorreto Martinez Sanabria Mateus Miralles Molezún Niemeyer Ocampo Oscar Niemeyer Pablo Solano port Paul Abadie Pucho Vallejo Rafael Aranda Rafael Moneo Raimund Abraham Ramón Vázquez Molezún Robert Adam Robledo Sert Severino Achúcarro Workshop 301 Thornton Abell Toyo Ito UNStudio Vito Acconci
Juan Daniel Pérez me … Bibliography; SEE PICTURES. Architect, teacher, writer and historian of architecture. Bilbao, 4 March 1936; Madrid, …
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